Friday, 24 September 2021
Hi there!
Thank you for taking the Fashion Career Quiz. Please find below your quiz results along with my recommendations.
From what I can tell of your responses, you’re getting an early start to your fashion career. It’s great that your family is supportive of you and that you’re already thinking about getting a job.
There’s plenty you can do now to prepare you to work for top brands until you eventually become a big decisionmaker in the industry...
So here are my recommendations:
Step 1: Clarity
I wrote this article The #1 Thing To Consider Before Fashion School with people just like you in mind.
Now that you’re seriously considering the next phase of your life and career, this article should help you clarify exactly what you want and all the possible ways to get there. It’ll even help you consider a plan B or C but still within fashion.
Step 2: Work Experience
The easiest roles for you to get into at this stage are retail roles. They usually don’t require a degree and will count as industry experience. If you can start working with a fashion brand now, by the time you need to complete an internship, you’d easily be trusted with more exciting roles that require more responsibility, rather than starting from scratch.
Step 3: Picking Your Degree
With so many different fashion programs out there, it’s really up to you which one you’d pick. The great thing about the fashion industry is that because it’s so collaborative, every area of study supports another. So, I wouldn’t really feel like there is a right or wrong decision here.
Do let me know what you decide and if there’s anything else I can do to help.
In the meantime, attached is a copy of your quiz results for your convenience.
Kind regards,
Chola M.
Fashion Career Coach, CPRW
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